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AIDS Origin Puzzle: 40-Year Mystery cracked?

This is the first AIDS origin theory that aligns with ALL the facts, resolves all the enigmas, and, crucially we can be verify by supporting a "FactMission" to compel the CDC to release one number


3-minute video of CDC key figures

Incredible “coincidences”

Consider the statistical likelihood that HIV first appears among trial participants of THIS vaccine, the only one:

  • When trials on gay men began in 1976, the only laboratory-confirmed HIV blood in the Western Hemisphere was the chimpanzee blood used to make the make the vaccine123. The first human HIV-positive blood was collected in 1978 among trial participants4. The first AIDS cases appeared in 1980 and, even though less than 1% of gay men participated in the trial, in San Francisco, 6 of the 10 cases were participants5.

  • The first AIDS cases had a cancer called Kaposi’s Sarcoma never before seen among health adults6789101112. It required simultaneous co-infection with unrelated second virus also of chimpanzee origin found in the research chimpanzees13: Kaposi’s Sarcoma Herpes Virus, or HHV-81415, which is apparently less transmissible sexually1617, begging the question how those men got it18. Only early AIDS cases at trial sites19 had high rates of both viruses and this cancer202122, and had cases of “Kaposi’s Sarcoma”232425 and “immune system depletion (aka ICL)” without the presence of HIV26.

  • AIDS emerged in “3 H’s”: Homosexual, heroin users, and Haitians272829. The only thing all 3 had in common was they were identified as sources to harvest Hepatitis antigens30313233. It’s an oversimplification to claim promiscuity caused Haitians high rates of both Hepatitis-B and HIV as Haitians high rate of chronic and pediatric Hepatitis-B infection suggests they contracted that virus as children through poor sanitation. But HIV cannot be transmitted that way. Unlike gay men and heroin users, scientists have no compelling explanation for Haitians HIV infection. If HIV entered Haiti around 1960 as scientists claim and spread sexually, cases would have appeared gradually among recent immigrants, not going from zero to 34 right after its emergence in gay men34, and then quickly plumeting35.

  • The maker admits it was made of blood “heavily contaminated with HIV”36, and it would have transmitted HIV if the chemical inactivation process wasn’t perfect, and doctors refused to administer over fears it did37, and during the trial, months before the novel cancer appeared among participants, scientists wrote: “experimental data accumulated…suggests these [inactivation] methods may not be fully reliable.”38 The CDC later reported the chemical used to kill viruses in the vaccine does not kill HIV even at 4x the concentration39

  • The CDC reported a 42% HIV rate among vaccine recipients vs 9% among placebo40, and refuses to release the full trial data.

This is the first explanation for these “coincidences”: All 4 AIDS-origin theories are correct, but incomplete.

The 4 main AIDS-origin theories

#1: The 1958 Oral Polio vaccine (proposed in 1988)

Tom Curtis at Rolling Stone began investigating accusations the virus was introduced in Koprowski’s ‘58 oral polio vaccine in the Congo41

#2: The 1976 Hep-B vaccine (proposed in 1982)

Vaccine trial participants began blaming the ‘76 vaccine for their mysterious new condition then known as GRID, “Gay-related immune deficiency syndrome”4243

#3: Cancer Virus Program bioweapon (proposed in 1988)

Alan Cantwell wrote “AIDS And the Doctors of Death: An Inquiry into the Origin of the AIDS Epidemic” blaming a lab-leak coverup at the National Cancer Institute in the lab of Robert Gallo44

#4: Natural evolution in man (proposed in 1998)

Advanced genetic sequencing led many scientists to conclude that the virus must have evolved in humans to become so deadly, and injecting the original chimpanzee virus (SIV) couldn't explain the pandemic45464748

A new unified theory

This unified theory proposes that, contrary to popular belief, the four are not mutually exclusive, but rather critical pieces of a larger puzzle, that until now was missing a critical 5th piece plus the true identity of AIDS patient zero and the first HIV-negative AIDS deaths.

Key facts

Here is a list of all the verifiable data and physical evidence in support of each of the 4 theories:

1. 1958 CHAT Oral Polio Vaccine

  1. Central African doctors report tracking unexplained deaths since the 1940s, with blood and tissue samples archived.49 Yet retroactive testing found no HIV-positive samples before 1959 in Kinshasa, Congo5051, and no significant AIDS-like deaths. Belgian Congo's disease tracking excelled, as Europeans feared tropical diseases.

  2. For nearly a decade, HIV-positive samples were limited to Kinshasa525354, but showed such genetic diversity that scientists believed it must have been evolving undetected for decades55.

  3. A 1958 WHO report states nearly all Kinshasa children under 5 were vaccinated with the “CHAT” oral polio vaccine, with other sources claiming most adults as well56. Yet the British Medical Journal detailed the administration schedule for Wistar's US-made “CHAT” showing it was only administered in Eastern Regions—not Western Congo, including Kinshasa, the epicenter of AIDS57.

  4. In the Origin of AIDS documentary, Stanleyville Medical Laboratory staff reported that after testing the US-made polio vaccine on hundreds of chimpanzees at Camp Lindi, rather than letting the chimps go to waste, while euthanizing them:

    1. Joseph Limbaya, the animal caretaker said: “I killed 2 or 3 chimps a day… [removed] the kidneys”. He described removing the kidneys before the chimps died to deliver to scientists.

    2. Pierre Doupagne, Head Technician said he was “making the sterile tissue culture from chimps” for “a long time”.

    3. Gaston Ninane, the tissue culture expert said: “The virus was cultivated on chimpanzee kidney cells”.

    4. Jacques Kanyama, lab assistant, confirmed they were making a local version of the oral polio vaccine

    5. Philippe Elebe, lab assistant, claimed: “We made vaccine… We’d put it in 50ml bottles”

    6. After it was determined AIDS came from a chimpanzee virus Hilary Koprowski and Gaston Ninane denied ever using chimpanzees. Their denials are at the center of every claim the theory has been debunked. Wikipedia states: “Ninane responded to this allegation by stating that he could ‘categorically deny’ ever having tried to make tissue cultures from chimpanzee cells.”58 Science: “Koprowski has insisted that he used kidneys from monkeys, not chimpanzees”59 But none of them explain why the SML staff, including Ninane, originally stated in recorded interviews that they did use chimpanzees. Indeed, admitting chimpanzees were used would be problematic given Anthony Fauci told the NY Times “The most compelling open-and- shut case of fact will be if the tissue is chimp. If there is chimp DNA in the vaccine, then, oops!''60 The conflicting accounts are in these videos:

  5. Logically, the proper way to determine if chimpanzees were used would be to retrieve the archived vaccine and/or tissue samples used to make the vaccine, purportedly locked away in the SML lab basement in Kisangani, untouched for decades as the lab had long been inaccessible due to a civil war. The key is this interview of Michael Worobey61:

  6. In that interview Worobey confirms that he and Bill Hamilton braved a civil war, negotiating with warlords for safe passage to Kisangani, formerly Stanleyville, to get to the lab. The interviewer twice asks if they found the “samples”, clearly referring to the polio vaccine samples since it had long been published they found chimp fecal samples. Worobey twice dodges the question with answers about fecal samples before the interviewer says “We’ll come back to that”, and expressly asks about the polio vaccine samples. Worobey replies that, after getting to the lab, they didn’t look for them—they only looked for fecal samples to see which clusters of chimps carried the strain most similar to HIV. If Worobey had said the lab samples were old, damaged and inconclusive, that would have been a logical answer that nobody could refute. But they didn’t look for them? Hamilton wrote the forward to the book “The River” which states “the chimps [used to make the vaccine] were procured in the course of about a hundred capture operations, carried out in diverse localities within a 120,000-square-mile portion of rain forest”, and supposedly the logbooks confirm they were bought in “areas such as Coquilhatville (now Mbandaka), where there is documentary evidence that Pan troglodytes troglodytes [PTT] chimps were being collected and sold.” Worobey confirms those PTT chimps were the ancestor to HIV. He wrote: “I wanted not just to test the OPV/AIDS theory, but also to collect fundamental data from a crucial area”62. Yet he claims the OPV/AIDS theory was refuted by his egregious strawman argument when he falsely asserted Hamilton’s claim was that only the PTS chimps south-east of the lab were used to make the vaccine, and not the PTT chimps 700 miles to the north-west63! Prior to the trip Hamilton wrote: “Here in my own department I am finding people far better qualified to investigate than I am who say things like ‘Well. I can see the theory may have a case, but I’m afraid I can’t touch any of that: our grant comes from the Medical Research Council…’ or ‘Labs that could test what you want in Britain…all get money from the MRC or drug companies’” and called the situation in science as “terrible for all mankind”.64 Shortly before the trip Hamilton wrote: “This theory, rather sadly, has gone from strength to strength. It's not proven by any means, but it's looking very strong.”65 It’s true Hamilton wanted to collect chimp fecal samples. However, proving Hamilton’s OPV theory did not require demonstrating whether PTS or PTT chimps were HIV’s ancestors, as he purported the vaccine was made from many species of chimps. Rather, it involved proving the vaccine was made from chimps—not monkeys—a point even Anthony Fauci conceded. One must decide if Worobey’s explanation makes sense that they braved a civil war to get to the lab where the vaccine was purportedly made—the one place on earth with evidence Hamilton to prove his theory—and upon arrival they decided not to even look in the lab’s archives, but rather focus exclusively on collecting chimp feces.

  7. Shortly after returning from the trip, Hamilton arranged a conference at the Royal Society at Oxford to present the evidence the end of March, 2000—which evidence Worobey now maintains was nothing but chimp excrement. We’ll never know because Hamilton was found dead on March 7, 2000.66 In a public complaint, one of Hamilton’s sisters argued his cause of death had been misstated, and he had not died of malaria acquired on the trip as claimed, per the pathologist report. However, the records of this complaint, originally at this link per his Wikipedia page have been wiped, and that link no longer exists on Here was Hamilton’s last interview:

  8. Immediately after Hamilton’s death Anthony Fauci announced in the New York Times he would take over having the samples tested67. However, Fauci submitted for testing US-made monkey-based vaccine samples that had never been in Africa68, and was of the type administered in Eastern Congo, despite eyewitnesses confirming the retrieval of the samples in the SML that were purportedly used to make the local vaccine administered in Western Congo where AIDS emerged69. To this day I can find no record of Worobey or Fauci confirming what was in the lab basement. I have received confidential communications from some I confirmed were directly connected and had firsthand knowledge. They claim to have proof but say threats stop them from revealing it.

  9. Further evidence suggesting Western Congo did not receive the US-made Asian Rhesus monkey-based vaccine is that, like the polio vaccines in the US, it was contaminated with the Asian monkey virus SV40, accused of causing cancer70. In Eastern Congo and Uganda where it’s agreed the SV40-contaminated oral vaccine was squirted in mouths, many of those children quickly developed an unusual jaw cancer called "Burkitt lymphoma"7172. African doctors blamed the vaccine given 78% of tumors were loaded with the Asian SV40 virus that could have only gotten in Africans from the vaccine73. Scientists insist the SV40-cancer link was refuted. But when a senior FDA scientist investigated SV40's potential role in the dramatic increase in cancer incidence following its administration to millions of Americans, she was demoted and lost her lab74. Thus, it’s not surprising her replacements found no SV40-cancer link75. The bottom line is that in Eastern Congo where its agreed the SV40-contaminated vaccine was administered, SV40 was found and jaw cancer emerged. But in Western Congo where the SML staff claimed the vaccine was made from chimpanzees, they got AIDS instead.

  10. The accused scientists got caught trying to pass off tissue from a recent AIDS patient as the ancient remains of David Carr of Manchester, giving the appearance that AIDS predated the polio vaccine.76

  11. 1970s blood samples show ~10% of Kinshasa prostitutes were HIV positive, with little general population infection. Early 1980s samples were similar, with no notable spread and no unexplained deaths, even among prostitutes.77

  12. Retroactive testing of blood samples collected in many countries across Sub-Saharan Africa in advance of 1980’s vaccinations campaigns found none were HIV-positive78, outside of the Kinshasa prostitutes.

  13. Haiti was one of the US’s principal suppliers of donated blood in the 1960’s and 1970’s79. There is no record of American’s contracting HIV from blood transfusion prior to 1978, and Haitian scientists claim HIV likely arrived in Haiti after the US epidemic.80

The scientist I mentioned who was connected to the CDC exoneration of the vaccine wrote: “Its very clear where HIV originated and phylogenetic studies clearly track HIV-1 in Haiti and other parts of the Carribean in the mid 1960's (see attached [it’s the map below])… Many of your assumptions are based on very old studies, these are before the advent of modern DNA/RNA sequencing approaches that allow for precise reconstruction of transmission networks… The paper I sent you details the evolutionary trajectory of HIV-1 from its SIV evolutionary origin.” Indeed, many papers purportedly show HIV’s emergence in Africa in the 1920’s and gradual spread through Haiti to the US81828384, and this one he sent expressly refers to “sample locations”. This gives the impression that claims of 1920’s circulation are backed by physical samples. However, the supplemental tables reveal the samples were collected in the 1990’s, and the authors merely assume the virus was spreading there since the 1920’s based on phylogenetic studies. As mentioned above, samples actually were collected at those locations in the early 1980’s—and all were HIV-negative proving their assumptions cannot possibly be correct. The physical evidence also suggests the virus could not have been circulating in Haiti either as, during the 2 decades they claim the virus circulated there, Haitians donated a swimming pool worth of blood each year for transfusion in the US85 and not once was HIV transmitted. The authors admit any spread there must have been “cryptic”86. The actual list of physical samples is shown in this table. Below is the chart from the above-cited Faria paper purporting to demonstrate spread since the 1920’s based on those samples. It’s followed by a 7 second animation that takes no liberties, and rather than conjecture, precisely maps the implicated vaccines with a syringe and every physical sample HIV+ sample collected prior to the 1981 outbreak using the location of infection if known, otherwise the location of sample collection. The stark contrast between the scientists’ hard data and their interpretation of it is stunning.

2. 1976 Hepatitis-B vaccine made from blood

  1. When Anthony Fauci became a Deputy Director at NIAID in 197787 a “holy grail” at the WHO8889 and health agencies worldwide was figuring out how to harvest enough “Australia Antigen” (HBsAG) found in the blood plasma of those fighting an active or chronic infection to mass produce a Hepatitis-B vaccine. It would be the first anti-cancer vaccine90. It sold at over $1009192 ($600 in 2024) and was recommended for the general population, opening a trillion dollar market potential. The original 1973 patent described “large scale procedure for producing commercial quantities… of a vaccine [made from] chimp.. and human plasma”93 and the 1976 patent confirms a vaccine was made from chimp plasma listed as example #194. But there was likely only enough chimp plasma for 10 million vaccinations at most95. Among the general population they’d need 10,000 donors to find 2 producing antigens96, however among gay men they’d find 4309798, with high rates also among heroin users99, and the highest rate among Haitians with up to 14% being chronic carriers100. Assuming quantities in humans comparable to chimps, that meant each antigen-carrying Haitian lived on <$1/day but produced millions in antigens. In 1976 the WHO announced seroprevalence surveys in Caribbean islands101.

  2. In advance of Hepatitis-B vaccination, blood samples from 13,000 gay men in New York were collected starting in 1974102, and nearly 7,000 in San Francisco a couple years later103. The earliest HIV positive samples in America’s gay community were collected in 1978 among gay men participating in the trials104105.

  3. The New York Blood Center began their formal randomized trial in 1978, the CDC in 1980. However, in 1976 a WHO report stated that 2 versions of this vaccine were already given to “volunteer subjects”106, citing Hilleman’s vaccine107 , apparently Lot 751, and a similar version made by Purcell/Gerin at the National Institute of Health apparently from the same material since both are the same pure ‘adw’ antigen108 which only came from Prince, as we’ll see. The point is that CDC defenders argue that a handful of participants were HIV positive when the trial began in 1978. But they may have already been vaccinated, either in the first months of the trial, or in the volunteer group. Thus finding the first positive samples among trial participants in 1978 does not exonerate vaccine, as it’s agreed there was no HIV in the gay community in 1976 when the first Lot 751 doses were administered.

  4. The original vaccine was made by infecting children at Willowbrook with Hepatitis virus and feeding them feces-laced chocolate milk109110 , but Robert F Kennedy Sr. exposed the use of children as vaccine ingredients forcing a shift to alternative sources.

  5. Alfred Prince's 1973 and 1976 vaccine patents state chimpanzee blood as the preferred source material111, and both refer in the past tense to having made a human vaccine from chimp blood. It’s unclear if the 1973 vaccine was ever administered. His 1976 antigens may refer to those from 1973112. Prince's coworkers recruited gay men for vaccine trials with fliers in gay bars.

  6. Trial documents specify young male homosexuals received lot 751 made of 'adw' antigens from 'carriers', while others received lots such as lots 559 and 761 made of 'ayw' or mixed antigens from ‘human donors’113114. The only source I can find of pure ‘adw’ was Prince’s chimpanzees115.

  7. Blood from Willowbrook State School children was 'ayw' type116117. Chimpanzees naturally carry only 'adw'118.

  8. With the ban on harvesting antigens from children, scientists concluded it would be impossible to obtain enough from humans119. Chimpanzees were the only source of “indistinguishable” antigens120.

  9. Scientists at the time were not concerned with the risk of introducing animal viruses into humans, believing chimpanzee blood was compatible and suitable for transfusing raw and using chimpanzees for “liver dialysis”121 122 leaving humans with a mix of human/chimp blood. They also injected humans with raw chimp blood to protect against malaria123. Since the 1960’s they had determined chimp and human blood were interchangeable124. Warnings, even from with the FDA, about the potential harms from animal viruses were routinely ignored, and those that raised them were punished125. Watch:

  10. The scientists accused of introducing AIDS have presented 2 samples which they purport to prove HIV predates the vaccine. David Carr, which was exposed as an elaborate hoax126, and Robert Rayford, whose samples were allegedly destroyed before they could be verified127. That leaves only one confirmed HIV+ infection in the America’s pre-dates Lot 751 vaccinations. As soon as a test for HIV became available in 1985, health officials apparently realized they had better test the chimpanzees used to make the vaccine: “During a serosurvey in 1985, Marilyn was the only chimpanzee of 98 tested who had antibodies strongly reactive with HIV-1 by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) and western immunoblot. She had never been used in AIDS research and had not received human blood products after 1969.”128129130 However, she had been used in the vaccine’s development131. This makes it all the more outrageous that health officials and insiders like Merck’s renowned vaccine inventor Paul Offit, who wrote the book defending the vaccine, wrote: “In the center of the diagram was one man. All forty AIDS victims had had sex with this man or with someone who had had sex with him. They called him Patient Zero. His name was Gaetan Dugas. His sexual escapades were legendary.”132 In reality Marilyn was at the center of the diagram, as she likely came from a group that provided the blood for the vaccine injected into the earliest AIDS victims. The absurdity of framing Dugas, who tested HIV+ 5 years after the Lot 751 trial participants provided the first positive samples, was the subject of the “Killing Patient Zero” film.

  11. The prior citations confirm that with more advanced genetic analysis Marilyn’s strain is now labeled SIVcpzus, and remains the closest ancestor to HIV-1, but the scientists I spoke with defend ruling it out because Marilyn’s strain is not exactly the same as the deadly HIV-1B strain that emerged among trial participants in 1978. They argue this justifies leaving Marilyn out of the equation. However, the technology to make such a subtle distinction was developed over 2 decades after Lot 751’s manufacture. Until the late 1990’s, all scientists knew was Marilyn’s blood was HIV-positive and months after it was likely injected into the gay community, their blood was also HIV-positive. Yet this was still ignored. I asked the scientists how close Marilyn’s SIVcpzus is to the deadly HIV-1B strain that appeared during the trial, and if scientists were given a human blood sample containing SIVcpzus, would they be able to tell that it was foreign SIVcpzus, and not HIV? Is SIVcpzus closer to the deadly HIV-1B strain than HIV-1B is to other strains, like HIV Group N? None of the scientists, even those directly connected, could provide a clear answer, and I find no published literature explaining how close SIVcpzus was to HIV-1B, or if it was really a different virus. Early AIDS investigators wrote: “The CDC didn't want to know what was really going on. Or they did know all too well and they didn't want the public to know the truth.”133

  12. In New York in 1977 a mysterious “Junkie Disease Syndrome” emerged134, and 3 babies born that year to IV drug users were later found to be HIV+135. IV drug users were also recruited for vaccine development.136

  13. The US government also produced the vaccine below which appears to be the Gerin-Purcell vaccine, of which one batch was pure ‘adw’ antigen, and thus likely chimpanzee-based since all references to human-based vaccines were either ‘ayw’ in the case of Willowbrook, or of mixed antigens.137 It appears to be the vaccine below tested on humans in 1977, though the above WHO report refers to a Gerin-Purcell vaccine given in 1976. This appears to be the vaccine of which it was said “contamination having been suspected in one vaccine batch made by the National Institutes of Health”138. Thus, there is evidence suggesting health officials may have known the chimpanzee-based lots were transmitting some unknown deadly pathogen in 1977—before they began administering it in the gay vaccine trials.

  14. After Fauci acknowledged the location of cases, doctors asked: “questions in many readers’ minds… The clustering of cases in New York City, Los Angeles, and San Francisco suggests a local factor. It has occurred to me that the hepatitis B vaccine trials used homosexuals in these communities as subjects. In view of the coincidence of the outbreak…were any of the patients involved in the hepatitis B vaccine trials?”139. While health officials claimed the answer was ‘no’ at least in New York, the San Francisco Health department reported 6 of the 10 cases were participants.140 The claims that none of the New York cases were participants is suspicious given that all HIV+ blood samples found up until 1978 were in New York and among participants141.

  15. Health officials acknowledged concerns in the scientific community that the Hepatatis-B vaccine was transmitting AIDS, with published papers such as “AIDS transmission: what about the hepatitis B vaccine?”142 and the FDA’s “Newly licensed hepatitis B vaccine. Known safety and unknown risks”143. Officials acknowledged that, among trial participants, all with AIDS had received vaccine and not placebo, but argued AIDS was spreading among the non-trial participants as well.144

  16. The CDC's 1991 Hadler report showed dose-dependent HIV rates: 42% for 3+ doses of Lot 751, 20-25% for 1-2 doses, and 9% for placebo (watch). The CDC withheld full rates despite my FOIA request.145 Scientists I’ve spoken to reject drawing conclusions from the Hadler paper since it only included those who contracted Hep-B. However, of the ~700 in the placebo group, it was reported about half did not accept the vaccine at the end. So of the ~350 unvaccinated placebo participants, the HIV rate was 9% in the 148 who presented with Hepatitis-B. That's almost half of the unvaccinated placebo group. It's illogical to assume that the other half of the unvaccinated placebo group, who practiced safe sex and didn't contract an STD, would have an HIV rate HIGHER--certainly not the 70% rate necessary to invalidate the statistical significance since we know the overall rate was over >40%. When presented with this, they pointed out the Hadler wrote “inactivated hepatitis B vaccine may temporarily impair the immune response”146 , arguing the vaccine may have merely made more susceptible, however, that’s based on the assumption HIV was widely circulating anyway, which it wasn’t.

  17. The Rutherford report estimated annual infections. His numbers precisely correlate with administered doses (watch).147

  18. The Lemp study found at the end of the trial ~42% of "lower risk" vaccine trial participants were HIV+ vs ~23% among the "higher risk" group excluded for prior Hepatitis-B infection.148

  19. Many studies have analyzed the incubation periods and time from infection to onset of symptoms, and all concur it’s almost impossible AIDS existed in the gay community when the first vaccinations began in 1976, validating the findings that the first seroconversions must have occurred around 1977 at the earliest, approximately 1 year after the first vaccinations.149150151 Further, as shown in that video, the explosion in infections during the formal trial exceeds any conceivable rate of sexual spread and correlates precisely with number of doses given.

  20. Fauci and Gallo lost the Nobel prize/patent battle with Montagnier over the discovery of HIV152, Gallo was criminally charged with “perjury and patent fraud”153 and convicted of “misconduct”154 for attempting to hide AIDS origins. Subsequently, Fauci/Gallo argued some of the other viruses for which they had secured clear patent rights played a critical role15515689.

  21. The first South African HIV case was imported from the US by a gay man in 1982. For several years, HIV remained limited to South Africa's gay community.157158

  22. 1,495 samples collected among the Swazi in Kangwane in 1983 were archived.159 Despite apparent retroactive testing, reportedly the earliest HIV-positive samples were collected a few years later, suggesting the Swazi were HIV-negative when Lot 751 was first trialed. The Swazi later became the hardest hit, with a ~40% infection rate.

  23. University of Pretoria scientists decided to use the 7-year old Lot 751 among the Swazi, instead of the current commercial FDA-approved Heptavax versions160. Simultaneously, Wouter Basson was recruiting University of Pretoria scientists for South Africa's "Project Coast" bioweapons program161. The same month the Swazi results were reported, the apartheid regime approved $120 million (2024 USD) for a 350-hectare state-of-the-art Project Coast facility162, ultimately spending $3 billion (2024 USD).163

  24. Whistleblowers testified that Basson and Project Coast sought a weaponized vaccine to reduce black populations164165, working on one exclusively delivered to blacks due to inability to create a vaccine reacting uniquely with black people based on genetics166167.

  25. The family of one vaccine clinic worker was assassinated in front of her home when her family claims she was going to blow the whistle on disturbing AIDS research168, and another worker claimed to transport from Roodeplaat vaccines which he knew contained the AIDS virus169:

  26. While the Swazi were the first to get Lot 751—and the hardest hit in Africa—right next to them is Venda, with the same demographic and culture. Venda was the last to get the vaccine, in 1991. That year, while the Swazi next door were the most affected, Venda was the “least affected”170 community. However, following this "unpublished WHO expanded programme" a "highly motivated" apartheid health authority gave "enthusiastic support" to administer the now 15-year old leftover vaccine to the AIDS-free Venda, after which “HIV prevalence in the Limpopo Province [Venda] has increased rapidly”171172173.

  27. Many early African AIDS cases included monogamous women whose husbands were HIV negative and babies born to HIV negative mothers who became HIV+ by age 2174175176 with evidence blood-bourne transmission accounts for most African HIV cases177. This was the only part of the world where primarily women and children were infected. Pregnant women and newborns were vaccinated.

  28. Many credible scientists have been trying in vain to demonstrate that the official narrative on AIDS transmission is wrong. Bill Hamilton reported a refusal to even test vaccines for HIV contamination out of fear of losing government funding178. David Gisselquist has published three books on the topic:, Blood-borne HIV: Risks and Prevention, Stopping Bloodborne HIV. David and Simon Collery run the Bloodborne HIV blog. John Potterat's web site lists his publications, as does Stuart Brody's and Devon Brewar’s with strong evidence blood-borne transmission is continuing and ignored.

3. The 1964 Virus Cancer Program

  1. The theory that AIDS was created, not discovered, by Robert Gallo in his cancer virus program theory arose from this 1985 study179 analyzing the close relationship between HIV and Visna, a related virus causing AIDS-like disease called Montana sheep disease180181. Alan Cantwell argued in "AIDS and the Doctors of Death" that some sequences in the new HIV variants that appeared during the CDC trial were identical to those in the Visna virus, and the only place known to mix viruses from African chimpanzees and American sheep was the lab of Robert Gallo, the self-proclaimed discoverer of the AIDS virus at the National Cancer Institute. Gallo acknowledged the similarity, but, at the time erroneously claimed the AIDS virus was in the deltavirus genus like his patented HTLV-1182, not in the same genus as Visna183. Actually it is.

  2. A 1969 paper184 describes a never-before seen condition in these research chimpanzees. Since AIDS was originally defined by symptoms, not the virus, technically these were the first documented AIDS cases, later called “HIV-negative AIDS” after 1985. This is the first documented example of otherwise young, healthy “individuals” experiencing a rapid depletion of CD4+ T cells leading to Pneumocystis Carinii Pneumonia and cancer. It had never been seen in chimpanzees before, and the CDC first reported it in humans in 1980 during the Lot 751 vaccine trial.185 However, in New York, where Lot 751 was first administered to gay men, in 1992 alone, doctors reported nearly a dozen cases of gay men who clearly had AIDS, but even with more modern and precise tests, they all tested HIV negative186. Consider that when a couple gay men in 1980 presented with this novel condition, it drew red flags because this unique set of symptoms had not been seen before in gay men, even among those who partied and consumed drugs. Yet, this same set of symptoms was later at the Lot 751 vaccination sites and, with the most advanced testing the doctors, concluded it was caused by some virus other than HIV with “three reports suggesting that novel transmissible agents are associated with acquired immunodeficiency disorders”187. The virus has never been found. Health officials recategorized those cases as “idiopathic cd4 lymphocytopenia”, meaning cd4 depletion of unknown cause188. The papers don’t mention if the men had participated in the Lot 751 vaccine trials. However it seems that whatever killed the chimpanzees in 1969 was not solely the BLV/HTLV-1 virus they had been infected with, since that by itself does not cause cd4 depletion. Perhaps, HTLV-1 with their natural SIV could cause it, or, since they are both recombinant viruses in the same family, they could have combined together to form a new hybrid virus that has not yet been identified. Curiously a novel virus is what the New York doctors were proposing in 1992. Why was there no further analysis of those HIV-negative AIDS blood samples to find this mystery virus? According to many doctors: Anthony Fauci.

  3. HIV’s discoverer Luc Montagnier insisted other viruses or pathogens were cofactors:

  4. Months before those New York doctors reported some other novel virus was causing “HIV-negative AIDS”, that CDC Hadler report came out confirming that 42% of the men who got Lot 751 became HIV+ vs 9% placebo. Thus, at the same time that reports suggested other viruses were also causing AIDS, the CDC reports suggested the agency had inadvertently mass introduced them to the gay community along with HIV. These other viruses, alongside HIV could accelerate the progression to AIDS and/or cause HIV-negative AIDS. The following video purportedly shows nthony Fauci months later flying to Amsterdam on Air Force Two to break up a conference looking for these other viruses. While this is speculative, it’s hard to imagine why health officials would ever want to halt a conference trying to identify new viruses, especially when Fauci and Gallo had previously led the charge to find them, expecting they’d lead to a patent royalty windfall.

  5. In some communities, primarily in Africa, it was reported that up to 1 in 4 AIDS patients with clinical symptoms repeatedly tested HIV negative, with similar reports that another unidentified virus was to blame, and that labs in London were in the process of isolating the mystery virus189. Again, the virus’ isolation was inexplicably abandoned. Some scientists insisted those attempting to isolate the novel virus were ostracized190.

  6. Per the CDC the first AIDS cases were in October 1980 in Los Angeles191, where the CDC had just administered Lot 751 in March 1980192. This is cited as proof that Lot 751 could not have transmitted HIV, because on average it takes 10 years to go from HIV infection to AIDS—not 7 months. However, that’s not a valid argument because there must have been some other co-factor causing the accelerated timescale regardless since, per the CDC, the earliest estimated HIV infections were in 1977193. So, no matter what, it happened very fast to be normal HIV-AIDS. However, when SIV/HIV was presumably combined with HTLV-1 and/or other viruses in their gain of function experiments, it also took precisely 7 months to go from infection to CD4+ T cell depletion, Pneumocystis Carinii Pneumonia, cancer and death. Had those first 5 cases in Los Angeles received Lot 751 seven months earlier? Could Lot 751 have transmitted not just SIV/HIV, but also a mix of other viruses from Gallo’s lab? If the first Los Angeles AIDS patients had participated in the Lot 751 trial, then the CDC would have their archived blood collected before and throughout the trial. The CDC would have known precisely when they became infected, and how long it took to progress to AIDS. Is this why health officials initially claimed AIDS developed 6-12 months after initial infection? If those early Los Angeles cases had not received Lot 751, I would expect the CDC would have stated so, given that early AIDS victims were accusing the vaccine. Yet the CDC remains silent and refuses to release any further data on the Lot 751 trials, and continues to withhold everything for Los Angeles. Of the 5 cities where the CDC administered Lot 751 we only have data for San Francisco because San Francisco’s health department released it194195. Given the large size of Los Angeles’s gay community and the small number in the Lot 751 trial, if those 5 men had received the vaccine, the correlation becomes even more obvious. However, HTLV-1 and likely other hybrid viruses are probably not sexually transmissible. Thus those infected sexually would have only received HIV, and seen slow disease progression. But the thousands of gay men, hundreds of Eastern Chinese Villagers, and perhaps millions of black Africans who received Lot 751 may have received a whole cocktail of viruses, falling into 3 groups: 1) SIV/HIV plus the other viruses, 2) the other viruses only, 3) HIV only. Those in group 1 might experience experience particularly rapid demise, those in group 2 (perhaps including the New York cluster) would be “HIV-negative AIDS”, and those in group 3 would be traditional HIV-AIDS just like those infected sexually. If Peter Duesberg and Luc Montagnier saw cases from injection-infections in groups 1 and 2, their conclusion was correct that HIV was a co-factor, and that AIDS could occur without HIV. As the injection-infections died, leaving only sexual-infections, the establishment scientist conclusion would also be correct that HIV is the sole cause of AIDS.

4. Natural evolution in man + the missing fifth piece: 1960’s-70’s liver dialysis

  1. Studies suggest chimpanzee SIV doesn't cause AIDS in humans, and HIV becoming especially deadly with the new HIV-1B strain appearing in New York in 1978, with 8 new genetic variants suddenly emerging among Lot 751 trial participants.196 This is one of the key points that the scientists defending the CDC relied on, arguing the blood had to pass through humans. Below are responses from a respected scientist directly connected to Prince’s work 40 years ago. He defended the CDC’s decision to exclude Lot 751 as a possible source of HIV transmission due to the need for chimpanzee SIV to pass through humans for some time to become deadly human HIV. I pointed out Prince had used his chimpanzees as dialysis machines for decades. Prince would use IV tubes to cross-connect the circulatory system of a patient with hepatitis-induced liver failure to a sedated chimpanzee of the same blood type, so the chimp’s liver could process the human’s blood. After the first session, the human and chimp each had a 50/50 mix of the other’s blood, and after multiple sessions, the human would likely have mostly chimp blood, which blood would then be re-introduced to the chimps. Care manuals suggest the same chimps were used over and over197.

    1 AI + 2 actual photos

    Prince and his colleagues defended using critically endangered chimps, writing “Hepatitis for a chimp is like a glass of water… They don't get sick. In a way, this testing is a way the chimps pay their dues to a society that is saving them from extinction.”198 The scientist called this chimp dialysis hypothesis “disturbing and fascinating” and admitted he doesn’t know if it would have converted SIV into HIV. “Chimp dialysis” may be the missing 5th piece that overcomes the scientists’ principal ‘natural evolution in man’ objection to Lot 751 having caused the AIDS pandemic.

    Scientists Response
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  2. Chimp dialysis patients seems like the most logical and plausible explanation to the enigma that has baffled all AIDS scientists: When and where could have SIV have adapted to humans and evolved into HIV-1 undetected, without doctors reporting unidentified deaths? They admit “Haiti” is a cryptic answer since its role in blood transfusions in the 1960’s and 1970’s makes that almost impossible. Surveys across Africa were taken in the early 1980’s, and there was only a handful of HIV around Kinshasa, and not the deadly HIV-1B strain. Advanced European and Asian countries would have noted if AIDS broke out in the 1960’s/70’s. And if it evolved in some remote part of the world removed from modern medicine, how did it arrive in New York during the first year of the Lot 751 trial and infect half the participants almost overnight? However, it could have evolved undetected for decades in Dr. Prince's New York City dialysis patients. The virus's long incubation period, combined with the 75% fatality rate of 1970s liver transplants, meant infected patients likely died before showing AIDS symptoms. This could explain the virus's evolution within a secluded group without wider transmission, as these patients probably didn't donate blood or engage in much sexual activity. Atypical symptoms in patients dying from liver failure or post-transplant complications would have likely gone unnoticed, avoiding further investigations like autopsies or archiving of samples for later analysis.

The first unified theory

A unified theory emerges that all 4 AIDS origins are correct, just different pieces of the puzzle.

A 1958 polio vaccine made from hundreds of chimpanzees of different species, all with different strains of SIV, housed in group cages for the virus to combine and evolve, perfectly explains the instant appearance of genetically diverse viruses in that same city the following year. The virus had not yet spent time in humans evolving before introduction, explaining the lack of lethality. It is the only explanation for Fauci and Worobey withholding the SML lab samples, and for Worobey’s resorting to an absurd strawman argument to refute the theory199.

The use of chimpanzees in the virus cancer program explains how a cocktail of viruses related to AIDS caused the first documented “HIV-negative AIDS” deaths in the lab’s chimpanzees, and explains why a vaccine made from them would have introduced a cocktail of viruses, causing erratic and explosive early AIDS deaths among the vaccinated. It’s virtually the only explanation for the high number of “HIV-negative AIDS” and “HIV-negative Kaposi’s Sarcoma” among early cases at the gay trial sites since, if their condition were caused by partying and drugs, it would been common in the more carefree pre-AIDS 1970’s era. It explains why only early cases at trial sites had both HIV and Kaposi’s Sarcoma Herpes Virus, and why the Kaposi’s Sarcoma manifested differently than every before. The presence of yet-unidentified pathogens explains why men with KSHV but not HIV still developed the rare cancer despite normal CD4 counts and no evidence of a compromised immune system—a phenomenon never seen outside early cases at trial sites. And another unidentified pathogen, perhaps the one that caused the HIV-negative AIDS deaths in lab chimps, caused the “idiopathic cd4 lymphocytopenia”—yet another phenomenon never seen outside early cases at trial sites. Assuming only HIV was highly sexually transmissible, it explains why the pandemic would have gradually settled into the traditional HIV-only AIDS cases we now see. It’s the only clear explanation for health officials bizarre halting of research to isolate the other mystery viruses that they were trying to patent at the time.

The use of the chimpanzees for human liver dialysis treatments explains how the less lethal early variants found in African chimpanzees became so deadly and adapted in man. This satisfies the argument that establishment scientists make that the virus had to evolve in man to be so deadly. The Lot 751 viral cocktail overcomes their argument that AIDS would have appeared years after infection—not 7 months as we saw in Los Angeles. This is actually the only explanation that makes sense since the vaccine was first given in 1976, and the first suspected HIV infections occurred in 1977, and the first HIV+ samples collected in 1978, and the first AIDS victims in 1980. If HIV was already spreading in 1976, it would been detected in the men pre-screened, and half the gay community would have been infected when the trial at the transmission rates we saw in 1978.

Lot 751 transmission is the only explanation for the explosive emergence in the gay community, and the 42% vaccine vs 9% placebo HIV rates. It’s also the only explanation for the CDC’s decision to leave such a disturbing number with a “no comment”, instead of releasing the rest of the data to explain it.

The indisputable genocidal intent of apartheid leaders in the 1980’s, willing to spend billions on a pharmaceutical to reduce black populations before they got the right to vote, explains why the project’s leaders at the University of Pretoria expressly requested Lot 751, not the commercial Heptavax made from human blood, to test exclusively on “black subjects”. After seeing what happened to the Swazi, tragically, it becomes clear why they invested $3 billion in their bioweapons facility. It explains the WHO report that the regime provided such “enthusiastic support” to get this particular 15-year old vaccine lot administered to exclusively black communities.

Haiti: The only loose end

Scientists defending the vaccine have one compelling argument: AIDS emerged among Haitians also, and they didn’t get the vaccine. Or did they? The official narrative of AIDS spreading in Haiti in the '60s and '70s due to unbridled promiscuity is nonsensical. Instead of a sexual spread curve, not 1 case of AIDS had ever been reported in Haitians, either in Haiti or the US, until 1982200201. Suddenly, doctors reported 34 non-drug-using, heterosexual Haitians had the same condition months after its appearance in gay men202. While AIDS continued spreading sexually among gay men, new infections among Haitians dropped to near zero. Since it’s unlikely Haitians immediately stopped having sex, a one-time mass introduction event around 1978 is more logical. Indeed, retroactive testing showed the gay men first became infected only 2 or at most 3 years prior203, so why assume Haitians were infected 20 years earlier, but took 10x longer to manifest symptoms, and miraculously not one of the million Americans transfused with Haitian blood contracted HIV204?

While the CDC was harvesting antigens among gay men, and Fauci’s NIAID team among drug users, was the WHO doing the same thing among Haitians? That would perfectly explain the Haitian enigma. We know in 1976 the WHO announced they could not get enough human plasma to mass produce a vaccine205 were going to start Hepatitis prevalence surveys among the Caribbean islands, and we know those surveys would have revealed Haitians were a gold-mine of Hepatitis antigens, producing enough to affordably vaccinate the whole planet. That was the WHO’s stated goal. Rumors exist of a WHO Hepatitis program in Haiti, but I can’t find proof. However, proving Lot 751 transmitted the deadly HIV-1B in America’s gay community and health officials covered it up would make it evident Haiti was not the source, but rather, the same Hepatitis program must have happened in Haiti and been covered up.

How to prove it

The AIDS OPV theory can be tested by getting Worobey to reveal what he and Hamilton found in January 2000 when eyewitness claim they took samples out of the lab basement. He shouldn’t be able to get away with such an absurd answer as saying they got to the lab and decided not to look for the samples despite an alleged paper trail documenting their transport of the samples. But it’s good that Worobey did say that since it prevents him from changing his story to a more logical explanation that the samples were too old and damaged to be useful.

The Lot 751 transmission can be tested by getting the CDC to release the trial data. For me, their refusal is an admission. And I believe all the 2024 Presidential Candidates should be asked if they will sign an executive order demanding the CDC release the data it’s hiding on AIDS, Ebola, COVID, their original 1999 Verstraeten thimerosal/autism 7.6x link, myocarditis, etc., etc. I believe nobody should trust a “public” health agency that hides data from the public that funds them.

Hopefully it will be possibly to determine if the New York HIV-Negative AIDS victims participated in the Lot 751 trial. Absent CDC cooperation, one AI tool, Claude, proposed a series of complex tests that have not been done before. I don’t know if they’re viable. We’d need access to blood samples of early AIDS victims who participated in the Lot 751 trials, as well as the mysterious “HIV-negative AIDS” cases, such as the cluster among gay men in New York, ideally their anonymized medical records and vaccination schedules to know what lot they got. And we should get the same for the Lot 751 locations in Africa, such as Swazi and Venda. In other African locations, it’s possible they administered a locally-produced “vaccine” made at the Roodeplaat Research Laboratories “Project Coast” facility or whatever Maxwell allegedly cooked up at the SAIMAR facilities206 . Any such local “vaccine” might have been nothing more than plasma from AIDS patients filtered to remove blood-type-specific proteins. That’s likely difficult to test directly, but the Gisselquist papers propose indirect methods to test for infection by injection, such as looking for identical genetic sequences appearing at multiple sites.

Claude Test Proposal
71.2KB ∙ PDF file


Ignoring this ensures it continues. The same scientists we’re told to trust on COVID vaccines claim the chimp-based vaccine was the "safest ever made"207. The US still funds gain-of-function research, officials still race to patent cures for pandemics they may very well be cooking up in their labs. The hiding of evidence over COVID origins demonstrates officials still believe that when their experiments go horribly wrong they can sweep it under the rug to avoid being held accountable. Thus, whether this theory is proven or debunked, a proper investigation sends a powerful message that scientists need to be more careful with experiments that put our lives in danger. The truth about COVID may never be established given the evidence China is withholding. But the evidence to solve AIDS origins likely exists if we’re willing to do more than talk; we must conduct actual tests.

Because we didn’t learn from this history, we repeated it. COVID was AIDS 2.0. I fear 'Disease X' may become round three if we don’t investigate.

















NOTE: The papers that assume HHV-8 is highly sexually transmissible use circular logic by asserting that since it appeared simultaneously in gay men, it must be sexual, ignoring that the gay men had just received a vaccine from chimpanzees known to carry a close ancestor, PtRV-1.


































Slim disease: a new disease in Uganda and its association with HTLV-III infection



The lack of direct evidence about the early transmission of HIV-1


The prevalence of infection with human immunodeficiency virus over a 10-year period in rural Zaire










































US Patent 3,951,937



The ‘73 patent states: “0.1 to 1.0 mg of antigen associated protein per ml of plasma”, and describes harvesting about 7 liters of plasma per chimp. That’s 700,000-7,000,000 µg of antigen. Taking the conservative number, we get 17,000 doses per chimp at 40 µg per dose (the recommended for adults). Prince had ~800 chimps (200 in the US + 600 in Africa). 800 * 17,000 doses = 14 million doses. Assume this repeated for 2 production runs, that’s 28 million doses, with 3 doses/person = 9.3 million vaccinated






101 (page 121)



It’s unclear how many HIV+ samples among the 6,697 were collected prior to the first vaccinations in the trial in 1978 and among volunteers in 1976. Only the New York samples were confirmed to have been collected starting in 1974 in advance of the first vaccinations.




Advances in viral hepatitis, Report of the WHO Expert Committee on Viral Hepatitis, World Health Organization Technical Report Series, available at






US Patent 3,951,937 (1973) and 4,118,478 (1977)





















The animals in quarantine were known to have been exposed to hepatitis agents.














145 See also my analysis


In an email sent to me by a scientist connected to the CDC report “The Safety of the Hepatitis B Vaccine: Inactivation of the AIDS Virus During Routine Vaccine Manufacture” referring to the phrase “suggesting inactivated hepatitis B vaccine may temporarily impair the immune response” he wrote: “As noted in the discussion of the Hadley paper, it is quite plausible that the vaccine lowered immunity of the subjects enough to increase the probability of infection. That is plausible as the adaptive immune response with relatively high HBV antigen titer could have cause T cell exhaustion. I wouldn't say that I love this idea, but it is plausible.”











Patent: Human b lymphotropic virus (hblv) isolation and products and US

Gallo describes HBLV’s causative role in AIDS cases with and without HTLV-iii(HIV)






Dr Willie Basson, first Managing Director of Delta G Scientific received permission from the Rector of the University of Pretoria (where he was head of the Chemistry Department) to engage his colleagues in drawing up a proposal for the development of a defensive chemical warfare capability


RRL was a large, highly sophisticated biological research, testing, and production facility that cost approximately 40 million rand [~$120 million 2024 USD] to build and equip, and 10 million rand per annum to operate. On a farm near the Roodeplaat Dam, 12-15 km north of Pretoria, construction began on RRL in November 1983.








Page 71 (translated into English): “Apart from Alexander Jones, who says he picked up the HIV vaccines for Mozambique from Roodeplaat, there is no documentation.”
















“To investigate the possible viral etiology of bovine leukemia, attempt cell-free transmission... Two of six chimpanzees... died at 35 and at 45 weeks from Pneumocystic Carinii pneumonia and erythroleukosis, two disease not previously reported in chimpanzees”






“34 of 42 slim disease patients seen in Mulago hospital, Kampala (most of whom had come from Masaka or Rakai districts), were HTLV-III-antibody seropositive”


“a list of references to more than 800 HIV-free immunodeficiencies and AIDS-defining diseases in all major American and European risk groups," along with references to "more than 2,200 HIV-free African AIDS cases."















5,000-6,000 liters per month is about the size of an average swimming pool every year, and would equate to roughly 1 million transfusions during the 60’s and 70’s




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