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Interview with the co-inventor of AIDS-implicated vax

Trial manager jailed for “deranged behavior” after tallying HIV rates for the lot made from blood of HIV+ chimpanzees which the patent holder described having sex with

You can’t make this stuff up.

The $1,000 reward remains open for any evidence disputing that Merck’s Lot 751:

  1. Was given to America’s gay community between 1976-1982[4.05], Eastern Chinese Farming Villages in 1982[5.03], and exclusively black communities in South African from 1983 to the mid 1990’s[6.08, 6.24, 6.23]. All reported AIDS outbreak ~4 years after the first vaccination.

  2. When it was made, the only lab-confirmed HIV in the Western Hemisphere was in the chimpanzees whose blood was the active ingredient[4.04, 7.26, 7.28, 7.30].

  3. Every one of the early HIV+ humans in the Western Hemisphere was participating in the trial to test that vaccine[7.21].

The justification for its continued use in Africa was:

  1. The CDC claimed the HIV in the vaccine had been “inactivated” by the formalin (formaldahyde) in the vaccine[4.22]. BUT: The CDC’s internal report actually stated: “Formalin at 0.10% [4x-10x the concentration used in the vaccine] was found to reduce reverse transcriptase activity, but complete inactivation was not achieved after 2 hr of exposure.”[4.32]

  2. The CDC claimed proof of inactivation came from comparing “rates of AIDS in groups of homosexually active men who did or did not receive HB vaccine in the vaccine trials conducted by CDC”[4.20]. BUT: The only CDC paper that broke down HIV rates by vaccine vs placebo actually showed a 5x higher rate in vaccine recipients, and now the CDC claims they “lost” the trial data.

  3. Dr. Robert Garry, the author of “Proximal Origins” proving COVID’s natural origins, presented in Nature 2 ancient HIV+ tissue samples that predated and exonerated the vaccine[10.78]. BUT: Independent DNA testing revealed the first as an elaborate hoax passing off remains of a fresh AIDS victim[7.05], and he reported his 2nd sample was “inadvertently destroyed” when independent researchers attempted to test it.1

The full history is at:


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