My heart sank when you said that we need Michael Worobey to tell the truth. We can only pray for that miracle.

Meanwhile, your post left me on the verge of tears from sheer frustration and the overwhelming emotional reaction to these heinous acts spanning decades.

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The good news is that if we can get access to early blood samples and prove lot 751 transmission, then we will have proven that Fauci orchestrated a cover-up. At that point I don't think Worobey would be able to get away with such an obvious lie. I hope there would be some kind of a Nuremberg. What I really want is to this to a fringe set of believers, dismissed by the mainstream as conspiracy theorists. I want to finally have closure, and get definitive lab tests performed to publicly settle which side is telling the truth.

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I don't want to sound dramatic or overly negative but after reflecting on this for a few hours, all I can think of is how this is such a huge issue and involves so many high profile people, there's clearly a lot at stake from their perspective. I have no doubt it would be classisfied as a national security issue if we protested publicly. For these reasons, I can't imagine those samples ever being released. They'd be more likely to stage a massive accident and claim all samples were destroyed.

My dear departed friend Pete Jiminez (@my1queervoice) was an amazing activist and would have known what to do and how to get the right people on board.

Hopefully there are others out there ready to step up.

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